Mark Kidel-搜索结果

  • 艾尔弗雷德·布伦德尔:人与面具 Alfred Brendel: Man and Mask

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Mark Kidel   编剧:


  • 匈牙利1956年: 我们的革命 Hongrie 1956: Notre Révolution


    导演:Mark Kidel   编剧:



  • 点燃钢琴凳 Set the Piano Stool on Fire


    导演:Mark Kidel   编剧:

    主演:周善祥, 阿尔弗雷德·布伦德尔

      英国2010年最新纪录佳作。这部纪录片讲述的是关于钢琴家阿尔弗雷德·布伦德尔(Alfred Brendel 被公认为是世界上最伟大的古典钢琴家)和他的学生、才华横溢、年轻的天才作曲家基特·阿姆斯特朗(Kit Armstrong)之间的关系。影片主要表现了2008-2009年间布伦德尔的告别之旅表演期间,老师与学生之间感人故事,大师通过对生活的经验和智慧,如何引导他的非常有天赋的学生追求音乐的梦想。

  • 比尔·维奥拉:心的眼睛 Bill Viola: The Eye of the Heart


    导演:Mark Kidel   编剧:

    主演:Bill Viola

      Bill Viola has been exploring video art since its beginnings in the 1970's, and is increasingly recognised as one of the most important visual artists working today. His work includes single-channel pieces as well as large scale sound and image installations.
      "Bill Viola : The Eye of the Heart", initially broadcasted in 1996, is the first portrait to have been made of this cruc...

  • 拉维·香卡:两界之间 Ravi Shankar: Between Two Worlds

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Mark Kidel   编剧:


      Ravi Shankar's name is known to all music lovers and he has been the greatest ambassador to the West for Indian Classical Music, which was relatively unknown and unappreciated in UK until the '50s, when I began to attend small concerts in London to hear great performers including the sarodist, Ali Akbar Khan, since when I have been writing about this arcane delight, whilst rema...